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Most Celiac Friendly

What is the "Most Celiac Friendly" feature?

The "Most Celiac Friendly" sorting option is a Premium feature on the Find Me Gluten Free app which sorts listings based off of specific criteria. This feature was created to help you find the safest restaurants on the app more quickly. 

It finds and sorts businesses based on the following:

- Dedicated gluten-free places

- Places rated as "safe" by the community

- Places tagged with dedicated kitchen space/equipment

In order to make sure the free version of the app remains helpful to everyone, there are no restaurants that are only shown when using the "Most Celiac Friendly" button. This feature is simply for efficiency and an added bonus when going Premium!

If you'd like to learn more about why we have a Premium version of the app, you can read more about this from our Founder, Jason, who also has Celiac Disease.

What does "Most Celiac Friendly" mean?

On Find Me Gluten Free, we will never list any establishment as guaranteed "celiac safe". The closest we come to this is the "Dedicated GF" label for establishments that are dedicated gluten-free (you can learn more about this label here). Most Celiac Friendly is not a guarantee, but rather a sorting feature meant to show listings with the highest safety ratings first. These ratings are reported by community members who have dined there.

mcf filter icon.png

You can find the button for "Most Celiac Friendly" near the top of the Local Tab underneath the search bar. Simply tap it once and the feature will be turned on.

Once the feature is turned on, you will see the MCF icon in the search bar and a red "Most Celiac Friendly" highlighted on the drop down menu.


Keep in mind these listings are based on the following:

- Dedicated gluten-free places

- Places rated as "safe" by the community

- Places tagged with dedicated kitchen space/equipment

While this feature is helpful for finding information within the app more quickly, we always recommend that you do your own due-diligence and continue to advocate for yourself when visiting establishments. Even if you have dined somewhere safely before, the day-to-day operations of a restaurant can allow for so many variables to change so it is important to proceed with caution at non-dedicated gluten-free places.

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