Find Me Gluten Free
Dedicated Gluten-Free Listings
What Does Dedicated Gluten-Free Mean?
Dedicated gluten-free means that an establishment does not serve any food items containing gluten, nor does it have gluten anywhere in the kitchen. A dedicated gluten-free establishment would have no chance for cross-contact with gluten in the kitchen, making it the safest option for someone with Celiac Disease when dining out.
*Disclaimer: If an establishment serves alcohol, they may still be reported as dedicated gluten-free IF they do not serve food items containing gluten from the kitchen. For example, an establishment might have a 100% dedicated gluten-free food menu and a kitchen free of gluten, but still serve beer (containing gluten) at the bar.
When browsing listings, dedicated gluten-free places will be indicated by a green check mark and text that says "Reported to be dedicated GF".
Comparatively, places that are not reported to be dedicated gluten-free will NOT have a green check mark.
When viewing a listing, if it is reported to be dedicated gluten-free, it will have the same indication (a green check mark).
From a listing, you can tap on the "Dedicated GF" section for more details. This includes how many people have reported this establishment to be dedicated gluten-free, how they identify themselves (for example, as a Symptomatic Celiac), and also when the report was submitted.
If you want to search for only dedicated gluten-free listings, you can filter results by turning on the "Dedicated GF Only" filter! This is also indicated by the same green check mark.